Monday, April 05, 2010

Working To Save My Flow Blow-By-Blow On A Paid Word-A-Day Work Flow Pantoum

I sat at my computer with a cat on my lap to help me relax
She flew up from her seat like the cat’s a bat outta hell bent on a personal attack
Reacts as though she saw a rat on my lap instead of a cat
Like a spoiled brat she makes me put my cats on lock down

She flew up from her seat like the cat’s a bat outta hell bent on a personal attack
I put on my thinking cap try to resolve the problem - get it down pat
Like a spoiled brat she makes me put my cats on lock down
I frown at the crackdown - locking the cats out of my computer room is wearing on my nerves

I put on my thinking cap try to solve the problem down pat
I want to tell her scat she deserves no reserves
I frown at the crackdown - locking the cats out of my computer room is wearing on my nerves
Sets me all a gloom a sense of doom pervades my bloom

I want to tell her scat she deserves no reserves
I’m unnerved and need to conserve my energy, my synergy
Sets me all a gloom a sense of doom pervades my bloom
I upbraid her try to turn myself into a mermaid to escape her

It would be in her interest to understand the facts
Reacts as though she saw a rat on my lap instead of a cat
Please try to understand I’m your worker not your doormat
I sat at my computer with a cat on my lap to help me relax


  1. Did Google just eat my comment???

    One more once...

    My cat sleeps in the closet all day
    Surfaces only to pee and say "Hey!"
    Slinks for a snuggle when he's in the mood.
    But finds me pronto if he senses food!


  2. That is so funny Jannie!
    Left a comment and a link for you.

    you should make it a complete pantoum - it's funny and you can sing it.

  3. Cool -- i will check out the link later.

    And.... I have chose YOU for 2 poetry "awards" on my blog!!

    Here, baby..

  4. Couldn't you train the cat to do something useful like make you a coffee while you are earning a living for the both of you. The little dickens doesn't know when its well off

  5. Wow another laugh elicited. I love cats and I love people who can make me laugh.

  6. So, you like to laugh do you? Well,............
