Friday, May 03, 2024


Only way to overcome hate

Desire to pray overtakes me

Rub melted pure organic coconut oil

On my skin

Desire to pray overtakes me

All type prayers invade me at once, 

can’t figure what’s wrong with me

Praying in tongues 

Words escape me, call on Jesus 

Call on God

Pray there’s really one,

To answer the call

Bring peace and love to all


Pray to Jesus, please help me heal me from this pain

This misery that becomes me

My brother, my brethren, his blood is where I came from

Tribes nearby where he was born, is where my blood is from

I pray, 

Recall how you told me, pray to Mother and Father Coconut to heal you 

while you massage coconut oil into your skin and they will hear you, they will heal you

So, I do this too

Please hear my prayers and heal me

Pray to all who may hear me

Speak no Hebrew except in tongues unknown that overtake me

Can’t escape being a Jew 


Stop the thunder, hurt and pain

Pain like a runaway train

Hurts to watch humanity

Be so cold unto itself 

Like a runaway train

Pain inside me grows to implode, explode

Pain inside and out ~ sit & watch


Something’s got a hold o’ me, I know it must be love

A treasure trove, need to relieve the pain of humanity

Love is life send it to your home from mine

Spread the word, 

Escape the thunder

So scared the thunder will win

Pray, say, hear the lord’s words

Feel love – so scared love does lose  

Young people must show the way

The world, unleased, has lost its way

This runaway train can only be stopped by love

The hurt and the pain can only be stopped by love

Stand in the way, hey Father, hey

let love stop world’s craziness 

let humanity be what it should be, 

what it could be if only love is all we need