My story "False Pride" is included in the new all-female anthology of short stories, "Lipstick Diaries", by Augustus Publishing. Out in all the big book stores, including B & N. I’m the only white woman whose story is included; a blue-eyed soul sister. “False Pride” is a story about a young white woman from the hood on a journey of self discovery who continues to struggle in spite of making some bad choices, to make her dreams reality!
The cover is sizzling and so are the stories.
Read this short story; the entire explosive novel is soon to follow it!
You can also check me out at:
My Space
And listen to me read poetry and talk at:
Cool on the Groove
My contract gives me 2 boxes of books and now I'm paying for the copies so please support me by buying directly from me.
I can be contacted at or 212 569 4048.