Sunday, May 21, 2017


The electromagnet sitting on the fridge makes me bigger
Carrot juice makes me stronger
Zinfandel makes me grow longer
Broccoli to make muscle mass leaner
I've grown two inches taller since you last saw me
Did I mention ginger burns fat?
I'm 20 pounds thinner in only 2 months.
Ginkgo biloba makes me smarter
All other species of Ginkgophyta extinct
Gingo biloba only one left
Use many herbs to cure my numerous ills
Quicker ills pop up faster they disintegrate
Garlic cures infections inside and out

I'm superwoman, you're a has been
No justice at all.
Need rulers to tell us what to do
Followers need leaders
Like Peter Pan and Benjamin Button
we never grow older
Like Benjamin Button,
every day  grow younger
Soon we won't exist at all
No need to hire anyone for work
Do everything ourselves
Super powers in our brain.
Self-sufficient towers
Of humanity
We"ll be better every day.
Poor, downtrodden humans will survive
Hopefully we get what we deserve