Friday, December 19, 2014

The Absence Of Love Yields Hate

Comingle on the corner doorstep
Fate sleeps late at the abyss
Rancid denial of Beelzebub
Waltzes through my brain
Rotting flesh of my bones
Insane in my tomb.
Cell phone rings abruptly
Disrupts me, tear open envelope
Desires, hurts, anger, fear, lust animates me.
She sent outdated information
On purpose to distract me
Life turned to dust
Parked on side streets
Lost causes, and dust
Doubt and drivel hammered in mistrust.
Places fraught, caught naked
Imagination outrun by freedom
cause reductions in usable space.
Distraught and overwrought
Enervated and prostrated
Freedom overrides me
Seek relief, use a cast iron weight
Knock some sense into my head
Whack me into oblivion
All the accusations are true
Guilty as charged
Agree there’s demise in society
Refuse to confess
Turn to empty unpaid banks
Paid in full with retribution
No balance left
Evil can not be undone
Love will not be outrun
Evil never lets go
Love cannot be undone
Evil cannot be out run
Love refuses to be undone
Questions answer questions
Driven to distraction
Sessions single suppressions
Deny any ism is my obsession
Denial analogous to confession
Love's absence insures hate's continuation

*  This time of year drives me to be sad and thoughtful. That combined with all the daily chores and bullshit makes me mad, because I freedom lives in my heart yet I remain prisoner to society too. 

You know how yelp and google are supposed to let you express yourself about any business? Well it's absolutely a farce. Google reviews censored my recent review of Candle Cafe West. Yelp censored my review of a outpatient mental health clinic. This is very disappointing. After Yelp removed my review - they removed all the other reviews of The Post Graduate Mental Health Clinic. 

What does this have to do with my poem? I don't know.

I do know the drive to be free drives me to write as it does to think, consider and design. I write and write and write. It is what writers do. I also do many other things to express myself. I design jewelry, designed my apartment makeover myself, I crochet hats (haven't done knitting in a while) paint, draw and take interesting photos plus, most importantly, I do my rants and raves and poetry. 

You know how yelp and google are supposed to let you express yourself about any business? Well it's absolutely a farce. Google reviews censored my recent review of Candle Cafe West. Yelp censored my review of a outpatient mental health clinic. 

Happy holidays and love to all